Rustic Wooden Water Well in Serene Forest with Dynamic Lighting

a bird bath in the middle of a forest

A rustic water well, constructed from weather-beaten wood, nestles in the heart of a tranquil forest. Dynamic rays of sunlight filter through a canopy of leaves, bathing the well in dappled light. The water in the well, source of life, echoes the overall earth-toned theme. This peaceful composition evokes a feeling of stillness and symbolizes life's origin within a naturally serene setting.

/imagine prompt: Illustrate the concept of "source" with a photograph of a rustic wood-constructed water well in a serene forest, dynamic lighting filtering through trees, symbolism of life origin, shot with a Mamiya 7 II and a 65mm lens for a medium format feel, overall natural and earth color tones --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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