Serene Portrait of St. Mary in Pastel Hues - Religious Fine-Art Photography

a woman with a veil on her head

This image presents St. Mary, portrayed in the style of a captivating medieval painting. She is depicted wrapped in a cloak of soft pastel hues, emanating a serene presence. The intricate detail in her veil and ornate adornments adds to the image's richness. Under a gentle, warm light, her gaze exudes strength and devotion. This religious fine-art photograph, reminiscent of the work of renowned artist David Paton, showcases the subject's grace and depth with a photorealistic quality.

/imagine prompt: St. Mary, styled as a beautiful medieval painting, wrapped in a cloak of soft pastel hues, serene expression, intricate detail in her veil and adornments, the strength of her gaze captured under soft warm light, religious fine-art photography. All details taken with Phase One XT Camera System for ultra high resolution --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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