Serene Sunrise over Calm Lake with Fog and Vibrant Sky Reflections

a body of water surrounded by trees and fog

This image paints an enchanting scene of a tranquil lake at sunrise. The scene is awash in soothing hues of oranges and yellows reflecting on the still water, creating an alluring interplay of light and color. The skyline subtly blurs into an enveloping light fog, unifying the panorama. Engrossingly crisp is the focus on the rising sun, the primary source of the atmospheric illumination, presenting the sky’s full-color spectrum in a breathtakingly serene wake.

/imagine prompt: A hyper-realistic photograph of a serene sunrise over a calm lake, reflections on the water, myriad shades of oranges and yellows, light fog, long exposure shot with a Canon EOS R5 using a 24mm f/1.4 lens. Soft focus foreground, sharp focus on the rising sun. High dynamic range (HDR) image, capturing the sky’s full range of colors --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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