Softly Blurred Sunlit Flowers in Pastel Shades Still Life Image

a bunch of flowers that are in a vase

This image presents a gentle tableau of blurred flowers basking in diffuse sunlight, revealing a dreamlike array of gentle pastel shades. Petals and leaves are subtly framed with light leaks, adding an ethereal feel. The blooms delicately catch the illumination, creating a mesmerizing dance of shadow and brilliance. Overall, the tranquility and understated drama imbued within this composition echo the essence of fine-art, evoking a sense of high-end elegance.

/imagine prompt: Background of softly blurring flowers, delicately catching the sunlight, offering a breathtaking array of pastel shades to complement any subject. Subtle shifts of bokeh and light leaks, aiming to develop an image that exudes the ethereal beauty and tranquility synonymous with high-end, fine-art photography --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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