Strong and Resilient Man During Substance Detoxification - Raw Emotion Caught in Indoor Portrait

an old man with a hood over his head

This grounded image portrays an elderly man, resilience etched on his weathered face as he grapples with substance detoxification. Bathed in low, muted indoor lighting, his facial features take center stage, revealing raw determination. Shadows intensify the depth of emotion within his eyes. Half his body is shown, draped in a hood, capturing a blend of commercial style and intimate revelation. This empathetic portrayal is heartrendingly personal, deeply reflecting his strength.

/imagine prompt: A portrayal of a person during the withdrawal phase of substance detoxification, emphasizing their resilience and strength. Photographed under low, muted tones of indoor lighting, highlighting the raw emotion and determination on the face. Taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, commercial-style, yet deeply personal, half body shot, empathetic approach with focus on the face --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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