Stunning Black and White Portrait of Strong and Determined Woman

a black and white photo of a woman with freckled hair by Richard Sedlon

In this powerful black and white close-up portrait, a serious-looking woman commands attention with her intense and piercing gaze. Her expression emanates strength and unwavering determination, captivating the viewer. The photographer skillfully employs a 50mm lens and low key lighting, creating high contrast that accentuates the woman's features. This timeless and impactful portrait style captures the essence of the subject, leaving a lasting impression.

/imagine prompt: A powerful black and white close-up portrait of a serious-looking woman. Intense, piercing gaze is the focus point; showcasing strength and steadfast determination. Utilize a 50mm lens on a Nikon D6, low key lighting for high contrast, encapsulating timeless and impactful portrait style --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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