Stunning Landscape: Richly-Colored Sunset Over Tranquil Sea

a beautiful sunset over the ocean with a boat in the distance

This image showcases a vividly detailed scenery of a breathtaking sunset over a serene sea. The vibrant colors of the sky and water create a mesmerizing gradient, while the reflection of sunlight on the calm waves adds a touch of magic. The composition, reminiscent of landscape photography, captures the essence of tranquility and beauty. In the distance, a solitary boat adds a sense of scale and depth to this captivating scene, reminiscent of a masterful matte painting.

/imagine prompt: A vividly detailed sample scenery of a richly-colored sunset over the tranquil sea. Vibrant colors, high resolution, and crisp lighting in the style of landscape photography. Shot with a Sony A7R III focused on capturing the reflection of sunlight in the water and the gradient colors of the sky --v 5.2 --ar 2:1
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