Surrealistic Eye Illustration Surrounded by Detailed Pink Flowers

a painting of an eye surrounded by pink flowers

The image is a striking juxtaposition of realism and surrealism. At its center, an eye of breathtaking detail commands the viewer's attention. The iris, a splash of vibrant color against the white sclera, is as unfathomable as the reality it mirrors. Veins, faintly discernible, lend an eeriness to the realism. The careful rendering of light enhances the eye's reflective surface, making it glimmer mysteriously.

The eye is set against an intriguing backdrop of pink roses and carnations. Each petal is lovingly detailed, their velvety texture beautifully rendered. The flowers seem beautifully grotesque in their abundance, encapsulating the eye as though vying for its attention, adding a surrealistic layer to the scene. From delicate veins to soft petals, the image is a masterful harmony of light, texture, and surreal realism.

/imagine prompt: An illustration of a eye surrounded by roses, pink carnations, and others, in the style of max rive, attention to fur and feathers texture, dino valls, realist detail, surrealistic grotesque, 8k resolution, realistic depiction of light --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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