Sweeping View of Open Grasslands at Dusk with Golden Sunset

a field with a dirt path in the middle of it

An expansive landscape bathes in the warm glow of a setting sun, stretching endlessly to touch the horizon. A dirt path meanders through the undulating plains, lost in an ocean of wild, free-flowing grasslands. Everywhere, there's an air of serene tranquility. The sky, a melting pot of golden hues, arches over the plains, its vastness reflected in the sweeping panorama below. The image presents a moment of profound simplicity and wild freedom.

/imagine prompt: Open plains at dusk, golden hues of sunset, flowing grasslands under a melting sky, unperturbed serenity, far-reaching landscape extending into the horizon, sense of vast openness, Wild and free, panoramic view, fine-art landscape photography with a Nikon D850, ultra-realistic, high resolution --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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