Ultra-Realistic Spaceship Hovering over Vibrant Alien Planet's Landscape

a futuristic alien ship flying over a desert landscape

An ultra-realistic, large spaceship hovers slightly above the surface of a vibrant alien planet. The spacecraft's multifaceted surface and intricate details shimmer under the technicolor sky's reflection. The desert below exudes surreal hues, augmenting the sci-fi aesthetic. A fusion of futuristic design and an otherworldly setting results in an image that epitomizes the fantastical and the exploration of unchartered landscapes.

/imagine prompt: A highly-stylized, ultra-realistic image of a large spaceship hovering just above the surface of a technicolor alien planet. Using Octane Render to emphasize the reflective surfaces and intricate details of the spacecraft with a vibrant alien skyline casting beautiful reflections on the ship's surface --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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