Vibrant Close-up Portrait of Domestic Yellow Cat in Sunlight

a close up of a cat with a blurry background

This close-up portrait captures the essence of a domestic yellow cat. The meticulous details highlight the fur, which shimmers with vivid highlights. The cat's sharp, focused green eyes pierce through, exuding a sense of curiosity and intelligence. Bathed in warm afternoon sunlight, the cat stands out against a beautifully blurred background, creating a striking contrast between its luminous yellow coat and the surroundings. The image possesses a lifelike quality reminiscent of a photorealistic painting.

/imagine prompt: A close-up portrait of a domestic yellow cat, vivid highlights in the fur, sharp, focused green eyes piercing through, basked in afternoon sunlight, striking contrast between the luminous yellow and the background --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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