Vibrant Cross Stitch Detail on Colorful Tie - Meticulous Craftsmanship

a close up of a colorful tie with flowers on it

This detailed macro shot showcases the intricate craftsmanship of colorful stitches on a white cloth. The sharp focus brings out the texture of each thread and the subtle needle punctures. It reflects the rich tradition of embroidery, reminiscent of Frida Kahlo's vibrant color palette. The image invites admiration for Juan Villafuerte's meticulous cross stitch work, capturing the artistry and skill behind the creation of this beautiful piece.

/imagine prompt: Detailed macro shot of colorful stitches on a white cloth, conveying meticulous craftsmanship. Sharp concentration on the thread texture and needle punctures. Reflect the tradition of embroidery, evoking Frida Kahlo's vibrant color palette. Shot with a Fujifilm GFX 50S and a macro lens --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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