Vibrant Floral Bouquet with Dewdrops in High-Resolution Photography

a bouquet of flowers with water droplets on them

This image presents a display of fresh flowers in a vibrant bouquet, each bloom in razor-sharp focus. Dewdrops delicately sit on the flowers, reflecting light and adding a mesmerizing sheen to the scene. Luminescent colors flourish in the bouquet, painting an enchanting portrait of nature's splendor. The high-quality detail and stunning color reproduction make the image striking, echoing the meticulous aesthetic of a fine-art still life.

/imagine prompt: A high resolution, detailed shot capturing a vibrant bouquet of fresh flowers in abundance. Fine-art photography, each bloom in crisp focus, dewdrops visible, taken with a Sony A7R IV for stunning color reproduction. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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