Vibrant Native American Totem Pole Against Clear Sky in 4K Image

a totem pole with a face painted on it

This image portrays a towering Native American totem pole, intricately carved and awash with vibrant hues. The pole's commanding presence is emphasized against a backdrop of clear sky, creating an exciting contrast. Deep grooves reveal artistically crafted facial features, while the rich coloring and detail bring the totem pole's majestic design to life. High dynamic range enhances the drama and depth of the scene, creating an almost palpable realism.

/imagine prompt: A 4K, vivid image of a Native American Totem pole, using high dynamic range imaging for rich hues and utmost clarity. Photograph should emphasize the intricate carvings, vibrant colors, and towering presence of the totem pole. The pole should be positioned against a clear sky for a dramatic contrast --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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