Vibrant Neon Geometric Abstract Art - Futuristic Cybernetic Concept

a colorful background with many squares of different colors

This vibrant and dynamic image presents an abstract futuristic concept. Bright neon colors blend seamlessly with asymmetrical geometric patterns, creating a visually striking composition. The interplay of depth of field adds a sense of movement and energy. The use of a glossy texture throughout lends a plastic, synthetic finish, immersing the viewer in a cybernetic atmosphere. The combination of colors, patterns, and textures in this 3D render by Mike Winkelmann makes for an engaging and futuristic visual experience.

/imagine prompt: Render an abstract futuristic concept, a combination of bright, neon digital art infused with asymmetrical geometric patterns. Reflecting a dynamic, energetic feel, playing with the depth of field. Employ a glossy texture for a plastic, synthetic finish, creating a cybernetic mood --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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