Vibrant Orange Rose with Dew Drops - Macro Photography

a single orange rose with water droplets on it

This image showcases the beauty of an exquisite, orange rose in a captivating close-up. The delicate petals glisten with morning dew, highlighting their velvety texture. Sunlight filters through the petals, casting a radiant glow and enhancing the vibrant color of the flower. The photograph, taken with precision and attention to detail, captures the realism and intricate beauty of the rose, resulting in a truly captivating image.

/imagine prompt: An up-close shot of an exquisite, orange rose, bathed in early morning dew. Accentuate the vibrant color, velvety petal texture, and radiant sunlight filtered through the petals. Capture the beauty with Nikon D850 to ensure ultra-realistic, detailed image. --v 5.2 --ar 4:5
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