Vibrant Painting of Peacock Displaying Colorful Feathers

a painting of a peacock with a colorful background

This image captures a peacock exploding into a brilliant display of lush colours. The bird's feathers unfurl, revealing intricate patterns and teeming with shades of turquoise, emerald, and cobalt, with flecks of gold adding an opulent touch. The softened edges and blended hues create an impression reminiscent of a painter's careful brush strokes. The bird's poised elegance and pure vibrancy retained in ultra-realistic detail enhance the visual feast.

/imagine prompt: Artistic representation of a peacock, bursting into an array of vibrant colors as it spreads its feathers. Emphasize the colors, intricate feather patterns, and the delicate beauty. This should feel as though it were a painting using soft, blending brush strokes, artistic effects using VFX and SFX while maintaining hyper-realism. --v 5.2 --ar 3:4
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