Vibrant Sunset Rooftop Party with Stylish Woman in Chic Outfit

a woman with pink hair wearing a pink coat

In this vibrant lifestyle image, a young woman with pink hair exudes joy and style as she enjoys a lively rooftop party. Dressed in a chic outfit, she wears a pink coat that beautifully complements her vibrant personality. The backdrop presents a picturesque scene with cotton candy skies painted in warm hues of the sunset, adding a touch of magic to the atmosphere. The overall aesthetic is striking, capturing the essence of a character portrait.

/imagine prompt: A vibrant lifestyle image of a young woman in a chic outfit, enjoying a rooftop party. Behind her, cotton candy skies painted with warm hues during sunset, complimenting her buoyant spirit. Capture this scene with a Sony A7R IV for a striking aesthetic background --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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