Vintage Wooden Box with Gold Accents Emitting Mysterious Glow

a decorative metal box with a golden knob

An intricately designed wooden box lies slightly open, leaking a mysterious radiance. The chiseled craftsmanship is delicately observed, with every crevice, carving, and gold accent highlighted against a backdrop of shadow and light, revealing an interplay of thriller and splendor. The picture is rendered softly, focusing on the texture of the wood, while the box's golden knob gleams warmly, further imbuing the mysterious allure of untold secrets within.

/imagine prompt: Conceptualize the idea of secrets, an antique, intricately crafted wooden box slightly ajar, with a mysterious light emanating from within, portrayed in soft focus. High resolution, shot with Canon EOS 1D X. Use chiaroscuro lighting for mystery, emphasize textures and gold accents --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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