Angry Yet Amusing Baby in Red-Themed Clothing Holding a Toy

a painting of a young boy in a red jacket

This image presents an endearing, highly detailed depiction of a moody baby, swaddled in red clothing against a matching crimson backdrop. The infant's furrowed brows, squinting eyes, the pronounced blush on rounded cheeks all speak volumes of an amusing, exaggerated anger. The petulant grip on a toy adds to the charm. Despite these signs of "anger", the overall image exudes warmth and heartwarming cuteness, successfully blending strong emotions with childhood innocence.

/imagine prompt: Depict an edgy, moody, and angry baby in red-themed clothing and background, with a high resolution look in the style of Anne Geddes. Emphasize the anger by using techniques that capture strong emotions, like the squinting eyes, the raging blush on their cheeks, the firm grip on a toy. Keep the image cute, amusing, and heartwarming despite the "anger". --v 5.2 --ar 4:5
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