Black and White Portrait of a Resilient Woman Overcoming Anorexia

a woman wearing a black tank top and a necklace

This black-and-white image displays a woman in a black tank top, a subtle picture of resilience. A palpable rawness and sensitivity pervades the image, perfectly portraying an internal battle against Anorexia Nervosa. Her strength is subtly illustrated through the high contrast imagery. The necklace indicates an inner fortitude, a glimmering symbol of her resilience amidst the struggles. This composition is a compelling testament to human strength and perseverance.

/imagine prompt: A raw, yet sensitive interpretation of a subject battling with Anorexia Nervosa. Show their struggle, strength, and resilience, avoiding the perpetuation of stereotypes. Use black-and-white medium, taken with Leica M10 Monochrom for high contrast. Fine-art photography style, make sure there's a subtle reminder of their inner strength within the composition --v 5.2 --ar 3:4
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