Breathtaking Panoramic Mountain Range at Sunrise

the mountains are covered in snow and green grass

This panoramic photograph showcases a majestic mountain range, with snow-capped peaks rising above lush green fields. The rugged texture of the rocks adds to the grandeur of the landscape. Bathed in the soft, golden light of sunrise, the mountains stand tall against a clear blue sky, creating a vibrant backdrop. The image exudes a sense of awe and tranquility, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of this breathtaking scene.

/imagine prompt: Panoramic, high-resolution photograph of a majestic mountain range, accentuating the rugged texture of the rocks, green fields, and the touch of snow at the peaks. Capture the lighting at sunrise, with a clear blue sky serving as a vibrant backdrop --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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