Breathtaking Sunset over Mountains and Sea: Fine Art Landscape Painting

a painting of a sunset over a large body of water

In this enchanting image, the mountains and sea converge at sunset, creating a breathtaking scene where the vibrant colors of the sky seamlessly blend with the majestic peaks and tranquil waters. The fine-art style of this painting evokes the brushwork of renowned artists like Albert Bierstadt and the landscape realism reminiscent of Ansel Adams. The image portrays a seamless merger of elements, capturing the awe-inspiring beauty of nature.

/imagine prompt: "An enchanting dual representation of mountains and sea at sunset, where the melting colours in the sky blend with the peaks and the serene sea; a merger of elements. Capture the scene in a fine-art style, simulating the brushwork of Albert Bierstadt or the landscape realism of Ansel Adams. A high-resolution image taken with a Canon EOS 5DS R." --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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