Captivating Character Portrait with Long Brown Hair and Blue Eyes

a woman with long brown hair and blue eyes

This character portrait captures the essence of a woman with long brown hair and striking blue eyes. Framed against a plane black background, the image is dramatically lit in a fine-art photography style. The depth and gradients of the black color spectrum create a powerful visual impact. Professional light setup highlights the shadow directions and sharp contrast, enhancing the overall quality. The image is fully detailed and richly toned, showcasing the artist's aim for perfect darkness in the Portraittude BlackAID style.

/imagine prompt: A dramatically lit, fine-art photography style of a simple yet powerful plane black background, capturing the depth and gradients of the black color spectrum. High-quality, high-resolution, utilizing professional light setup for the shadow directions and sharp contrast. Leaning towards the Portraittude BlackAID style aiming for perfect darkness. Fully detailed and richly toned, shot with a Nikon D850 --v 5.2 --ar 4:3
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