Close-up Image of Glowing Filament Bulb with Urban Backdrop in Soft Golden Tones

a light bulb with a city in the background

In this image, a classic electric bulb is suspended, illuminating its surroundings with a warm, gentle glow. Its filament, the centerpiece of the image, is intricately detailed, creating an industrial, minimalist air. An urban landscape is subtly hinted at in the slightly blurred background, the high contrast emphasizing the bulb's radiant glimmer. The golden hues imbue the image with an even more sentimental, nostalgic mood, enhancing the juxtaposition of simplicity and complexity.

/imagine prompt: A classic electric bulb hanging, casting a soft warm glow to its surroundings. Emphasize the filament details with a close-up shot, for an industrial, minimalist feel. Arrange a slightly blurred urban backdrop. Shot using Nikon D810, golden tones, long exposure, high contrast, fine-art photography --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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