Close-Up of Twinkling Fairy Lights in Rustic Wicker Baskets Against Midnight Sky Backdrop

two wicker baskets filled with candles on a table

A whimsical scene featuring close-up views of fairy lights, twinkling warmly amongst rustic elements. These weave through two wicker baskets overflowing with softly glowing candles. The lights create a sparkly bokeh effect, transforming the scene into an enchanting tableau. The velvet midnight-sky backdrop effortlessly offsets the warm glow, lending an air of finesse to the tableau. All elements in the image exude charm and an aura of dreamy fine artistry.

/imagine prompt: Whimsical ambiance, close-up of twinkling fairy lights decor, bokeh effect, soft and warm glow, weaving through rustic elements, set against velvet, midnight-sky backdrop, in the style of fine-art photography, 8k detail with Canon EOS 5DS R --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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