Close-Up Image of Majestic Owl with Vibrant Yellow Eyes in Night-time Wilderness

a close up of an owl with yellow eyes

In this image, a majestic owl claims the spotlight, its texture-rich feathers and piercing yellow eyes shining in the oncoming night. The owl's wisdom and intensity are palpable, demanding viewer's attention. Subtle glimpses of surrounding wildlife deepen the sense of nature's mysteries unfolding. The scene is steeped in the tranquility of nightfall, with the owl's gaze adding a riveting contrast to the serene backdrop.

/imagine prompt: A closeup photograph of a wise, majestic "coruja" (owl) in its natural habitat during nightfall. Detail focus on textured feathers, piercing eyes, and surrounding glimpses of wildlife. Capture using Canon EOS-1D X Mark III for high resolution, hyper-realistic wildlife image, inspired by fine-art photography style. --v 5.2 --ar 4:3
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