Captivating Close-Up of Snowy Owl's Intense Gaze in Frosty Winter Landscape

a close up of an owl with yellow eyes

This captivating image captures the intense gaze of a Snowy Owl amidst a frosty winter landscape. The owl's vibrant yellow eyes stand out against its pristine white feathers, creating a stunning contrast. The high-resolution image showcases fine details, enveloping the viewer in the owl's piercing presence. Set in a minimalist snowy setting, the image evokes a sense of tranquility and showcases the beauty of this majestic creature in a fine-art wildlife photography style.

/imagine prompt: A close-up image of the intense gaze of a Snowy Owl in a frosty winter landscape, showing the stunning contrast between its pure white feathers and the smoky black eyes. Use high-resolution, fine-art wildlife photography style, captured with a Nikon Z7 in a minimalist snowy setting --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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