Close-Up Photorealistic Image of Tranquil Woman With Closed Eyes

a close up of a woman with her eyes closed

This image presents a tranquil, close-up view of a person with their eyes delicately closed. Shadows cast by the eyelashes subtly hem the contours of high-definition skin texture, suggesting internal reflection. The chiaroscuro style is evident through deep contrasts between light and dark, lending a dramatic depth to the portrait. The eloquent silence encapsulated within imparts, in the viewer, a stirring sense of serenity and introspection.

/imagine prompt: Fine-art photography of a person with closed eyes, evoking tranquility and internal reflection. Play upon the delicate shadows cast by eyelashes, skin texture, and subtle hints at the contour of the face, shot in Chiaroscuro style, high-resolution, Hasselblad H6D-100c --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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