Photorealistic Old Master Style Painting of Woman with Blue Headscarf

a painting of a woman wearing a blue head scarf

This image is a meticulously detailed rendition of a woman in a blue head scarf, echoing the elegance and richness of Old Master paintings. Every strand of her hair, sparkle in her eyes, and wrinkle in the fabric is brought to life with stunning contrasts and chiaroscuro lighting. The profound depth and texture give the illusion of oil on canvas, creating an atmosphere of classical elegance in a digital setting.

/imagine prompt: Envision a faithful reproduction of an Old Master painting in ultra-detailed photorealistic rendering. Referencing the techniques of Vermeer and Rembrandt, create a composition with classical elegance, intricate details, stunning contrasts and chiaroscuro lighting effects. Highlight texture, depth, and the richness of oil on canvas in a digital format --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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