Close-Up Portrait of a Young Actress with Dreamy Eyes and Freckled Skin

a close up of a woman with freckled hair

A close-up image of a beautiful young woman seemingly in her late teens, showcasing a piercing gaze from her sleepy, dreamy eyes. Intricate details of her freckled skin and the texture of her locks are punctuated by the soft studio lighting. The focal emphasis on her eyes and skin adds to the lifelike depth and realism, creating an intimate and hyper-detailed portrait filled with youthful allure and vitality.

/imagine prompt: Beautiful young actress, 19 years old, sleepy dreamy eyes, focal emphasis on eye and skin details and textures. Shallow DoF. Realistic film photograph. Hyperdetailed. Soft studio lighting. 8k. Extremely detailed. Cinestill 800t film. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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