Close-up Portrait of Dreamy-Eyed Young Actress in Soft Studio Lighting

a close up of a person with long hair

This image captures a beautiful young actress, her sleepy, dreamy eyes being the center of attention. Her youthful glow is emphasized in her skin, revealing detailed textures. Expertly managed, soft studio lighting accentuates these elements, and her long hair frames her face gently. Despite the dreaminess of the subject, the shallow depth of field imbues the image with a vivid realism akin to a film photograph.

/imagine prompt: Beautiful young actress, 19 years old, sleepy dreamy eyes, focal emphasis on eye and skin details and textures. Shallow DoF. Realistic film photograph. Hyperdetailed. Soft studio lighting. 8k. Extremely detailed. Cinestill 800t film. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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