Close-Up Portrait of a Young Boy Wearing Glasses with a Sincere Look

a young boy wearing glasses and a green shirt

This image captures a charming portrait of a young boy in glasses, the intricate detailing of the frame notable. His innocent gaze projects sincerity and childlike candor. Soft illumination finely accents his facial features, alluding to profound emotions underneath. The boy’s verdant shirt adds a playful pop of color. This masterpiece accentuates intricate foreground detail while maintaining a dreamy, blurred background, achieving a visually pleasing depth of field.

/imagine prompt: A high-quality portrait of a young boy with glasses, emphasizing the details of the glasses frame, the sincere look in his eyes, and the innocence of childhood. Use Nikon D850, combine with a soft lighting technique to sculpt the facial features and expressive emotions. Make sure the depth of field accents the details without losing the bokeh on the background. --v 5.2 --ar 4:5
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