Curious Boy Lost in Book: High-resolution Lifestyle Portrait

a young boy wearing glasses reading a book

In this captivating image, a young boy with glasses is immersed in the world of a captivating book. His concentrated expression reflects his deep engagement, while the soft light gently illuminates his glasses, enhancing his intelligent demeanor. The details of the book are visible, showcasing intricate textures and pages filled with unreadable text. Shot in natural light, the photo captures the essence of youthful curiosity and the joy of learning. The image exudes a commercial photography style, making it both visually appealing and relatable.

/imagine prompt: High-resolution lifestyle portrait of an intelligent looking boy with glasses, lost in the world of a riveting book. Show his concentrated expression, the glasses reflecting soft light, details of the book, text unreadable. Shot in natural light with Canon EOS R6, capturing youthful curiosity and the joy of learning. Commercial photography style. --v 5.2 --ar 5:7
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