Close-Up Portrait of Joyful African American Girl with Curly Hair

a close up of a child with curly hair

This image showcases a close-up portrait of a radiant African American girl with expressive, innocent yet piercing eyes sparkling with joy. Her captivating smile is framed by curls springing freely around her face. The depth-of-field enhances her features, with a backdrop softened against her vivid, colorful presence. Ambient light brings warmth to the scene, further emphasizing tender youthfulness and uninhibited laughter, encapsulating a moment of pure, innocent joy.

/imagine prompt: A close-up portrait of an African American girl, richly-detailed, capturing innocent yet piercing eyes, charming smile, the strands of hair curly and free. Use depth-of-field, soft natural lighting, vivid color tone. Capture emphasis of joy and innocence wrapped in a moment of laughter --v 5.2 --ar 5:4
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