Laughing Girl with Curly Golden Hair in Colorful Garden Portrait

a little girl with curly hair wearing a yellow dress

In the brightly colored image, a joyous seven-year-old girl with curly golden hair sparkles. Her sapphire-blue eyes shine with laughter, reflecting her pure happiness. She's set against a lush garden backdrop full of blossoming flowers, rendered in soft focus that accentuates her vibrant presence. The vivid colors of her yellow dress and the blooming garden combine to create a cheerful and warm ambiance.

/imagine prompt: Create a portrait of a girl, about 7 years old, with sparkling blue eyes and golden curly hair. She's laughing, capturing genuine happiness. The backdrop, a beautiful garden in full bloom, in the photographic style of Annie Leibovitz, shot on a Nikon D850 for utmost clarity, vivid colors, soft bokeh effect --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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