Close-Up View of Antique Wooden Dresser with Brass Handles and Wear Marks

a close up of a wooden dresser with metal handles

This image captures the rustic charm of an antique wooden dresser in high-resolution detail. The rich grain of the wood, time-worn yet enduring, is a testament to its history. Brass handles add a touch of metallic luster, their polished surfaces reflecting soft light. Subtle wear marks, signs of years of use, further enhance its character, creating a warm, nostalgic atmosphere. The fine-art style underscores the dresser's old-world allure.

/imagine prompt: High-resolution image emphasizing the charming details of an antique wooden dresser. Show off rich grain of the wood, brass handles, and subtle wear marks, giving it a rustic appeal. Fine-art style photograph captured on a Hasselblad X1D --v 5.2 --ar 4:5
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