Exquisite Vintage Door with Intricate Craftsmanship and Metal Handle

a close up of a wooden door with a metal handle

This image showcases the architectural intricacies of a vintage door, revealing the skilled craftsmanship and high-quality materials used in its creation. The sharp, photorealistic detail highlights the texture of the wood, while the metal handle adds a touch of elegance. Reminiscent of Carol Highsmith's architectural style, this close-up captures the door's decorative details, evoking a sense of history and grandeur. The image, shot with careful precision, invites viewers to explore the door's rich textures and appreciate its Flemish Baroque design.

/imagine prompt: Capture the architectural details of an vintage door, showcasing the skilled craftsmanship and materials used, shot in sharp, photorealistic detail. Emphasize the texture of the wood and any decorative details, resembling Carol Highsmith's architectural style. Use Nikon D850 and a 24-70mm lens for capturing detailed, high-resolution images --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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