Elegant Bridal Wedding Dress Displaying Intricate Lace and Sequin Details in Breeze

a painting of a flowing white fabric

A detailed scene featuring an elegant bridal wedding dress, flowing whimsically in a breeze. Light bounces off sequins, creating a constellation on the gown, while intricate lace embroidery weaves a story of grandeur and sophistication. The satin's smooth cascade lends a soft gleam that echoes the luxury of the dress. Set against a refined backdrop, the image beautifully conveys the captivating grace and meticulous opulence of a fine-art masterpiece.

/imagine prompt: Stylized, high resolution image of a bridal wedding dress, caught in a breeze. Capture the intricate details of the lace embroidery, light dancing on sequins, and the smooth flow of satin. Emphasize the elegance and luxury of the dress against an aesthetic backdrop using Nikon D850. Fine-art photography. --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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