Intricate Stitching and Floral Detail on Vintage-Styled Blue Dress

a blue dress with pink flowers on it

This image offers a close-up view of the exquisitely detailed hem of a fashion-forward dress. The high-resolution marker shot accentuates the texture of the intricate stitching against the fabric, showcasing the craftsmanship. Soft natural light envelops the scene, creating a muted, vintage palette that exudes a sense of romantic charm. The commercial-style fashion photography captures the essence of the dress, displaying a timeless elegance. Delicate pink flowers on a blue backdrop add a touch of femininity and artistry to the composition.

/imagine prompt: Focused image on the detailed hem of a fashion-forward dress using high-res marker shot with Nikon D850, 105mm Macro lens. Display texture of intricate stitching against the fabric, soft natural light for a muted, vintage palette requiring dollops of romantic charm, commercial-style fashion photography. --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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