Futuristic Tesla Cybertruck Parked on Beach at Night with Dramatic Lighting

a futuristic car on a wet beach at night

In this minimalistic fine-art image, a parked Tesla Cybertruck takes center stage under a dramatic night sky. The futuristic design of the vehicle is accentuated by strong shadows and high contrast, creating sharp, edgy lines. The scene is illuminated by the glow of surrounding lights, highlighting the sleek stainless steel body of the car. Captured with high resolution, the image showcases the hyper-realistic details and defined edges of this striking computer rendering by Zhang Han.

/imagine prompt: Minimalistic fine-art style image of a parked Tesla Cybertruck under dramatic night lighting. Accentuate the futuristic, angular design of the car using strong, edgy shadows and contrast. Use Leica SL2 for high resolution, hyper-realistic photo with sharp, defined edges. Make sure to capture the stark stainless steel design in all its glory. --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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