Sleek Black Futuristic Car Parked in Front of Modern Architecture

a futuristic car sitting on top of a body of water

This image presents a sleek, glossy black car, parked before a modern, minimalist structure. Brilliantly polished, the car mirrors its surroundings in a dance of reflections. The building's futuristic aesthetic accents the car's design, amplifying the sense of opulence. As if stepping into a luxury car commercial, one is drawn to the precise details of the car and the harmonious juxtaposition of ingenuity and elegance.

/imagine prompt: A shiny, sleek black car parked in front of a minimalist, modern architectural structure. Create this image using the aesthetic reminiscent of luxury car commercial photography with a strong emphasis on the car's design, gloss, and reflections. The photo should have detailed, photo-realistic techniques --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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