Golden Hour Seascape with Radiant Sunset and Tranquil Waves

the sun is setting over the ocean waves

This image paints an inviting scene of the setting sun over a placid ocean, casting a brilliant, golden light across the horizon. The dynamic ebb and flow of the sea are beautifully captured, while the attention to texture and detail creates a sense of depth and movement. A harmony of light and shadow further accentuates the vibrancy of the warm, saturated colors, making the scene radiate a lively energy.

/imagine prompt: Wide angle, golden hour shot capturing the radiant sun over a tranquil sea, producing a brilliant glow on the horizon. Capture the dynamic movement and energy of the water with a high-resolution camera, showing fine detail and texture while maintaining a delicate balance of light and shadow. Warm, saturated colors for a lively and inviting image. --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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