Golden Hour Sunrise Over Mountain Range: Inspirational Scenic View

the sun is setting over a mountain range

This image showcases a serene scene of the sun setting over a mountain range in a radiant display of golden hues. Operatic in scope, each mountain's contour comes alive in the waning light, adding to the breathtaking landscape. The muted yet brilliant colours inspire a hopeful ambiance, enveloping the scene in a tranquil mood. The hyper-realistic elements evoke a sense of peace and anticipation for the close of day.

/imagine prompt: A vibrant, peaceful image of the sun rising over a mountain range, hinting at the warmth and possibilities of a new day. Golden-hour hues, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR, hyper-realistic, inspirational mood, breathtaking scenery. --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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