Golden Sunrise Illuminating a Vibrant Green Sapling Emerging from Dark Soil

a small plant sprouting out of the ground

In the heart of this image, a resilient sapling stands firm, its vibrant green leaves bathed in the soft glow of a sunrise. The tree's new beginning is underscored by the contrasting rugged darkness of the textured soil encircling it. A golden luminescence casts a rich, mesmerizing radiance throughout the image, enhancing the brilliant colors and sharpness, giving it an artistic feel of growth and resilience.

/imagine prompt: A high-resolution photo of a tree sapling, framed center, surrounded by rich, textured, dark soil. Show growth, resilience, and new beginnings, shot during sunrise to capture a golden glow on vibrant green leaves. Use Nikon D750 for brilliant color and sharpness, fine art style --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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