Golden Sunrise over River in Vibrant Green Forest Landscape

a river running through a lush green forest

A tranquil scene unfolds in this image, showcasing a river running through a vibrant, lush forest. Bathed in golden sunlight, the verdant landscape pulses with a rich array of hues, from deep emerald to soft moss greens. The soft morning light adds warmth and depth, enhancing the image's serene charm. The meticulous attention to detail makes the forest appear alive, capturing the peaceful beauty of untouched nature.

/imagine prompt: A captivating scene capturing the serene beauty of nature, featuring a lush green forest bathed in golden sunlight. Use the Nikon D850 for high resolution fine-art photography. Compose a rich scenic tapestry with a vibrant array of green hues and warm sunlight, capturing the tranquility of nature. Professional color grading, vibrant hues and sharp focus, sunrise photography. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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