Golden Sunrise Over Blooming Lotus Flower in Tranquil Pond

a pink flower sitting on top of a green leaf covered water

This image encapsulates a blooming lotus flower on a serene pond, encased in an orange-golden sunrise light. Dew drops sparkle on the soft pink petals, catching the nascent glow of daybreak. The surrounding water's mirror-like surface gently reflects the lotus, effectively loosening the image's focus and intensifying its tranquility. Background highlights, blurred for effect, crown the image with an ethereal quality, conveying a sense of peace.

/imagine prompt: A vibrant, high-resolution image of a blooming lotus flower in a tranquil pond; shot in the golden light of sunrise; showcasing dew drops on petals, reflections on water, and background details in soft focus; breathtaking floral and landscape photography, peaceful symbology. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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