Golden Sunrise Reflection on a Tranquil Pond with a Floating Lotus Flower

a pink flower floating on top of a body of water

A serene image captured at sunrise portrays the simplistic elegance of a lotus flower delicately floating on a tranquil pond. Its petals, a soft blush pink, reflect the golden hues of the dawning day. The surrounding flora and fauna are intricately detailed, contributing to the overall calmness. The high-definition capture provides a hyper-realistic representation, imbuing the image with tranquility and minimalistic charm.

/imagine prompt: Lotus flower floating on a calm pond, reflecting the golden hues of sunrise, pacifying tranquility in a minimalistic style, super high resolution, Leica S (Typ 007), detailed flora and fauna, hyper-realistic --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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