Tranquil Dawn Landscape: Serene River Flowing Through Lush Green Field

a river running through a lush green field

Immerse yourself in tranquility through this panoramic, high-resolution image of an untouched landscape. A lush green field stretches out, adorned with dew-kissed grass, while rolling hills paint a serene backdrop. The colors of dawn dance upon the surface of a solitary stream, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the scene. With a calming aesthetic, this image captures the depth and serenity of nature, inviting viewers to embrace moments of peaceful contemplation.

/imagine prompt: Experience tranquility embodied in a panoramic, high-resolution image of a serene untouched landscape. An open field with dew-kissed grass, rolling hills in the distance, colors of dawn reflected in a solitary stream. Bent of calming aesthetics, Nikon Z7 II, depth of nature course. --v 5.2 --ar 2:1
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