High Resolution Sculpture of Angry Greek God Demonstrating Power and Strength

a statue of a man with a beard and a beard

This image captures the imposing figure of a bearded man, his countenance depicted in pure marble. The sculpture hearkens to the style of Greek mythology; the man resembles nothing less than a god with his powerful, aggressive stance. His face is contorted in a commanding display of anger, while his physique, well-defined and fantastically detailed, intimates his physical prowess.

The high level of detail present marks each strand of his beard, each ripple of his musculature, with an assertive vividity. His brows are furrowed, and his mouth is slightly puckered, offering a glimpse into a divine entity enveloped in a scowl. Steeped in raw power and strength, the image has the visual intensity of a timeless narrative, immersing viewers into the depths of ancient lore.

/imagine prompt: High resolution skulptur of a greek god looking angry and aggressive, power and strength demonstration, HDR, 4K --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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